I also posted a few tunes on a ghetto blaster through a cool site called playlist.com that allows you to make playlists and update them, share them, prove to your friends how hip hop you are, etc. This is just a collection of tracks that I am into right now which is always changing frequently or never depending, ya know?
I am getting this jacket as soon as I can pull together some extra cash (after paying for Bishop tickets). One of the "most best" jackets I could find out there and Canada Goose makes jackets that look rad and keep you mega warm, check um out at www.canada-goose.com. Merino wool and Coyote fur hood... mmmm Coyote.

If you don't know now you know...
Might go really well with a fly new set of Tecnica Moon Boots... No?

I'm certain that these are incredible.
I think Nate and I are heading to Grandmother tomorrow to try projects. My main goal is to make a bit more progress on the Engine Bloc Project, maybe stick a hold or two, or top out... We will see.
Real men don't kill coyotes!!! For real!
ReplyDeleteEnvironmental Policy
ReplyDeleteCanada Goose Policy on the Humane Treatment of Animals
Canada Goose is deeply committed to the preservation of our global environment and the
humane treatment of animals. As an authentically Canadian company, the environment
and ethical treatment of animals are central to our values. We consistently make
commitments based on these values that guide the ways in which we do business. We
recognize that because we use animal products in our garments, questions may arise
regarding these commitments and our practices. It is important to us that our position on
these matters, as well as the reasons for and nature of our company’s use of animal
products are made widely available.
Since we have been producing Canada Goose products, we have used both Coyote fur in
the manufacture of our parkas and jackets. From the beginning we have closely
examined and considered the use of these products from both an ethical and
conservationist perspective. We are firm in our belief that these ethics are sound.
We use Coyote fur only as absolutely necessary, and exclusively for functional purposes.
Our jackets are--and always have been--used in the coldest places on earth. In such
climates, where skin can freeze in an instant, the coyote fur creates a warm environment
in the most critical area--around the face. The warm pocket of air keeps exposed skin
warm and ensures that exhaled air does not freeze. It is for precisely this reason that the
technologies of centuries past used fur for protection against the extreme cold. Today
we are able to use as little fur as possible, while maintaining the critical functionality of
this sort of product.
The fur that we do use is acquired in the most humane ways and we adhere to the
guidelines of the Fur Council of Canada that governs fur use in our country.
The fur industry is an excellent example of an industry based on sustainable use.
All the furs used by the trade are abundant. Absolutely no endangered species
are used. In the Canadian fur trade, government wildlife officials and biologists
ensure responsible use by establishing controlled hunting and trapping, harvest
quotas, licensing, and training courses. Strict government regulations ensure that
these quotas and seasons are respected.
Canada Goose strictly adheres to all such industry and government guidelines. More
importantly, we take pride in the fact that by supporting this sustainable industry we are
also supporting the native Canadian communities of the North and their centuries-old
ways of life that are now being threatened. These communities are ethical in their
fundamental approach to hunting: We strongly identify with the value systems of these
communities, and make a commitment that carries over to the way we do business:
Canada Goose does not buy fur from farms of any sort – ever.
The environmental benefits to using a natural product are clear when compared with the
use of synthetics that are sometimes described as an “ethical” alternative to real fur.
Many anti-fur advocacy groups fail to take into account the environmental impact of the
production of synthetic fur. The chemical by-products of this production process have the
potential to do more harm to the environment than the use of the fur from animals that are
hunted as part of an ancient way of life that balances the needs of people and wildlife.
There are never simplistic solutions for complex problems. We are proud of the
principled, responsible and humane approach that we consistently take in making our
products. Nonetheless we recognize that there are some who oppose the use of animal
fur under any circumstances. In stating our views and practices, we hope to promote the
kind of transparency and context that will inform a reasoned discussion, one that moves
beyond the shrill finger-pointing that often characterizes both sides of the debate. Good
corporate citizenship requires openness and a willingness to listen to all sides on the
issues that affect us all.